Vegetable garden
Tenacity and constant inspiration lead to the birth of new restaurant and hospitality projects. In honor of his homeland, Michele, has given strong territorial connotation to the Locanda.
Since last year, the Locanda’s Kitchen increasingly entrusts the sourcing of the vegetable raw material, not only favoring local producers but has flanked the Restaurant with the creation of a Garden for the production of vegetables.
In the past years we have planted about 40 Olive Trees for our own oil production (brisighello and leccino varieties) which will be followed by others already starting this year.
Supply chain
The continuous search for suppliers of excellent raw materials with great attention to our local area and other small and selected Italian companies. Having a vegetable garden directly tended by us that is enriched with other fresh vegetables from local farmers, our research related to Meats, meats and cheeses turns a careful eye to small companies and producers who operate with respect to organic production and sustainability, favoring rustic and local breeds.

wild game
Hunting is much more than an ancient human tradition. It is an art, a science and a commitment deeply rooted in human history. Originally, hunting was a necessary method of obtaining food and ensuring the survival of the community.
Hunters are guardians of nature, and their role is critical to maintaining balance in our ecosystems.
Today, hunting must have the goal of sustainability and therefore geared toward healthy and native populations of flora and game, which maintains and protects their habitats, contributing to the conservation of biodiversity.
In keeping with the environmental sustainability of flora and fauna, Michele is a certified national ungulate selectee.
The Chef’s passion for hunting is greatly and positively reflected in several dishes offered in the Inn Restaurant.
Land of Great Wines
The road leading from Faenza to Tredozio and the parallel valleys are home to stupendous vineyards and wonderful wineries. More and more between Brisighella, Modigliana, Santa Sofia and Castrocarro just to name a few places of production, wineries are springing up that constantly confirm themselves as among the best producers of quality wines internationally.
A large part of our Wine List is dedicated to these local productions and
also finds space for a selection of labels from national and international wineries capable of satisfying all kinds of needs.