An Ancient Village enclosed in the wilderness on the borderland between Romagna and Tuscany.
Tredozio is a small tourist center that offers several opportunities to get together throughout the year thanks to the activities that are organized.
The Pallio dell’Uovo that takes place during the Easter weekend is surely the most famous and appreciated Festival, so much so that it gathers thousands of people year after year.During the Easter weekend the four districts that make up the town compete with competitions, costumes and parades for the conquest of the Pallio (silver egg)…and watch out eggs fly…
Another important event is the Bartolaccio Festival, which is staged for the first and second weekends of November, offering Visitors to benefit from the excellent opportunity to discover the magic of autumn in the Casentino Forest Park and its fruits. Ancient mills, ruins, historic little churches kept in the woods and springs are just some of the beauties of Tredozio.

And…in Tredozio is the small Mount Busca Volcano…said to be the smallest in Europe
The market alley

Medieval Tredozio is concentrated around the ancient walls of the Borgo, of which one of the entrances, Vicolo Mercatale, still remains perfectly intact.
The title Mercatale derives from the original use of the central square: in 1149 it was decided to establish a market for the entire valley protected by walls and a moat.
In 1263 the house of the Curia and some residences of influential personalities were placed there.
In the palace of the present Locanda stood at this time an inn that was the scene of conciliaboli between the Conti Guidi and some members of the Malatesta and Sforza families.
In the same some chronicles report a poisoning against a Malatesta by the powerful Florentine families of the time.
After the agreements with Florence, the Mercatale housed, in addition to a small “ospitale” dedicated to S. Antonio, the residences of two districts, the Florentine and the Conti Guidi.
Under the vault of the Alley are displayed some of the poems about Tredozio written by various authors from the 1400s to the present: “All at once.”
Opposite Mercatale Alley and next to the Civic Tower there is still the building that was the seat of the Podestà in the second half of the 1500s; a carved stone weapon and an inscription with the Podestà’s name are visible above the entrance.